Vaccine Education Initiative

The Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin believes that improving the vaccination experience is a critical step towards achieving more equitable healthcare for people with Autism and all neurodiverse individuals. As part of our strategic focus on health equity, the Vaccine Education Initiative (VEI) is a national program that addresses systemic barriers, while promoting vaccine education, confidence, and access.

Our Healthcare Professional Training is designed to bridge the gap — so that healthcare providers are equipped with training and resources needed to address the unique healthcare needs of the Autism and disability community.

Contact us at to inquire about trainings.

Vaccine Support Kits include tools and supports designed to make the vaccine experience more accessible. Healthcare providers or individuals and families can request a kit below.

Kits include:

  • Shotblocker
  • Fidget spinner
  • Stress ball
  • Sunglasses
  • Noise-cancelling headphones
  • Buzzy Bee (healthcare provider kits only)

Contact us at to inquire about Vaccine Support Kits.

Sensory Friendly Vaccine Clinics are designed to provide a flexible, supportive, and calm environment during the vaccination process. The Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin provides support to organizations and groups in their service area seeking to host their own clinics. Learn more below.

The Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin disseminates resources, training materials, and accessible information, in multiple languages. Check out our free resources below, or reach out to to request personalized resources.

Program Goals

Through the VEI program, the Autism Society works with its nationwide affiliate network and healthcare partners to achieve national reach with local impact. Our goals include:
Increase Vaccine Confidence

Create community connections that promote trusted messengers, support informed decision-making, and self-advocacy.

Educate Healthcare Providers

Empower healthcare providers with the knowledge, understanding, and resources they need to meet diverse communication, sensory, social, and cognitive needs through a universal design framework.

Promote Community Vaccine Education

Deliver vaccine facts and evidence-based information to the Autism community and our affiliates. Develop accessible formats of vaccination information, including plain language, visual supports, and other languages spoken in communities.

Increase Vaccination Accessibility

Create accessible vaccination procedures and environments through compassionate care, accessible physical environments, flexible scheduling, sensory tools, and strategies to mitigate anxiety.

Healthcare Partners

VEI healthcare partners have participated in our Accessible Vaccination Training and have tools, resources, and strategies available in their clinics to create an individualized and inclusive vaccine experience. These trusted healthcare organizations across the Greater Wisconsin community are committed to health equity and are part of the coalition to build a community where each person has access to the resources they need, when they need them.

What if every healthcare interaction could be a positive experience?

For more information about the Vaccine Education Initiative, contact us at